Monday, May 01, 2006

After the first day of teaching

Even though today was a national holiday, CALTC Russian track held class. Overall assessment is that the day went well. The enrollment is down this year to 9 students. One of them is out of the country right now, so there are 8 students. Even though the numbers are fewer than in other years, the enthusiasm of these students is very high. They all seemed to be tracking with me during the lectures, and most importantly, they laughed at my jokes!

They were assigned 4 chapters of the text to read tonight with a quiz to follow tomorrow morning.
Tonight I went as a guest to the home of Levin and Valentina Leytner. Their daughter, Svetlana is a friend of mine in Austin. I delivered a package to them from Svetlana and picked up twice as much to bring back! This is normal. This is the 4th year I've had this experience as part of my Almaty trip. Valentina cooked an incredible meal, including (learned after I started chewing) smoked horse meat -- I thought it was ham : (

Now I'm back at the faculty flat and ready for bed.


Anonymous said...

I hope you didn't tell Janis you ate one of their horses!

...and what, no fermented milk??


Anonymous said...

DAD! you ate horse?!?!